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Packaging process
Packaging process of Hoang Hau Dragon Fruit
Date Submitted: 17/04/2020 27153 view
In recent years, Hoang Hau dragon fruits have gained the market thanks to bio-cultivation techniques and scientific hygiene treatment processes to meet the needs of customers. The process of preserving dragon fruits is as follows:
At the fruit receiving area, the QC department checks, records the quality of each batch of fruits, traceability, sorting by weight and quality based on customer requirements. Dragon fruit after harvesting has beautiful colors, the biochemical parameters reaching the optimum value are washed with clean water to remove dust and microorganisms adhering to the surface of the shell and left knob. Through the line, the dragon fruit is naturally dried or it can be used with a fan to dry the fruit quickly.
Then stamped into a nylon bag, weighed by weight and size before packaging into carton boxes. Each box is stamped with traceability codes to ensure the origin and can be traced to the incident.
Hoang Hau dragon fruit is packed in carton boxes with different sizes: 41 cm x 31 cm x 12 cm, 41 cm x 31 cm x 22,5 cm. The paper box is printed in crisp, high quality colors, very impressed by the eye-catching images of dragon fruit orchards, ripe red fruits and queen crowns with harmoniously balanced colors.
Finished products after packing are arranged neatly on pallets and transferred to storage at appropriate temperatures 6-7 0C, humidity 95-100% before delivery and delivery.
The treatment process is carried out right on the same day, ensuring food safety, without affecting the quality and aesthetics of the fruit. Applying the above process, Hoang Hau dragon fruit has a good preservation period of 30-35 days, ensuring the quality and delivery time to far markets.


For Hoang Hau Dragon Fruit, every stage from caring, harvesting to warehousing and delivery must be closely monitored so that each shipment to consumers is the most safe and quality product. .
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