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Announce copyright of purple flesh dragon fruit LD5 and commercialize varieties
Date Submitted: 24/03/2020 10871 view
Today, September 12, Southern Institute of Fruit Tree held a seminar on "Publication of copyright of purple-fleshed dragon fruit variety LD5 and commercialized seed" successfully conducted by the Institute for Research and Crossbreeding. auction of copyrights of this new variety.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau - Director of the Southern Fruit Institute
Attending the workshop were: Southern Fruit Institute, representatives of the Department of Crop Production, Office of Plant Variety Protection - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Binh Thuan Dragon Fruit Research and Development Center , Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Agricultural Extension Center, ... provinces. Companies and cooperatives in fruit tree field. The field of communication includes representatives of Tuoi Tre newspaper, Vietnam Agriculture newspaper, Ap Bac newspaper ..., and Binh Thuan Television and Television Station.
According to Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau, Director of the Southern Fruit Institute, copyright issues for plant varieties have been applied in many developed countries. When creating a new variety, the researcher will sell the right to exploit the seed to a company for them to organize the exploitation. The company will have full rights to exploit in their direction and is also the only unit authorized to organize production, sale of seedlings or export of fruit later.
The Law on Copyright of a plant variety clearly states that no individual or organization is allowed to plant and trade such variety without an agreement with the company that buys the copyright. Thus, the fact that a company buys the right to exploit seed in developed countries is a great motivation for the research institutes to continue to produce better new varieties. In Vietnam, joining UPOV in December / 2006 (International Plant Variety Copyright) is a stepping stone to be able to spread this law more widely to farmers across the country. Protection of plant varieties will be sustainable to ensure farmers produce the best plant varieties; facilitate investment in research and are derived from agricultural production requirements. However, up to now, the purchase of copyright for plant varieties has only been popular and developed in most Northern provinces. As for the southern region, there has not been any direct exchange on this issue with cooperatives and garden houses.
Therefore, this conference is the first step, a new development direction in the production, regulations on copyright for plant varieties in this area. More importantly, it is the beginning for the protection of fruit varieties of the whole country in general and the southern region in particular.
Master Tran Thi Oanh Yen - Head of Department of Breeding Selection, Southern Institute of Fruit Tree, introduced the research and development process of purple and purple dragon fruit variety LD5. A classic hybrid of dragon fruit from the red flesh dragon fruit of Long Dinh 1 (motherhood) and white flesh dragon fruit of Cho Gao (father).
With outstanding features such as large and strong mature branches; capable of fairly strong flowering and almost year-round, capable of natural pollination to produce fruit. On average, each fruit has a weight of 351.2g, egg-shaped, bright red, bright and pretty shiny fruit, high vitamin C content (average of 18.27mg / 100ml of fruit juice), and a feeding rate be up to 74.68%). Regarding average productivity of 36.70kg / head / year in Tien Giang province, 24.08kg / head / year in Long An and 23.47 kg / head / year in Ba Ria-Vung Tau (36-month-old tree), better than other dragon fruit varieties.
LD5 purple-flesh dragon fruit variety has been granted a Decision on recognition of plant varieties for trial production by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on May 19, 2011 and granted a certificate of copyright protection under Decision No. 352. / QD-BNN-TT dated 27/02/2012 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The seminar is the first step of the whole country in announcing the copyright of fruit trees, specifically the purple and pink dragon fruit LD5. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for businesses, growers to be able to own this variety and enjoy the rights under the Plant Variety Protection Law.
And also at this seminar, Hoang Hau Dragon Fruit Co., Ltd. has registered to buy the same rights to purple purple dragon dragon LD5. This is considered a premise and a good start for the upcoming direction for copyright of fruit trees nationwide.
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According to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau, Director of the Southern Fruit Tree Institute (SOFRI), right after the copyright and commercialization (September 12), the purple and purple dragon fruit variety LD5 was granted by Dragon Fruit Co., Ltd. Hoang Hau (Binh Thuan) bought the copyright for 2 billion dong.
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