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Successfully bred dragon fruit with purple and pink flesh
Date Submitted: 24/03/2020 12274 view
According to Associate Professor - Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau, Director of the Southern Fruit Tree Institute (SOFRI), scientists from the Institute's Breeding Selection Department have successfully bred another new dragon fruit variety of economic value. high. It is a purple-flesh dragon fruit with the symbol LDĐ5.
This is the result of a ten-year persistent hybridization process (from 2005 to present) through two phases.
Phase I (2005 - 2008), through sexual hybridization from four parent dragon lines: white flesh dragon fruit of Binh Thuan province, white rice dragon fruit of Cho Gao (Tien Giang), red flesh dragon fruit of Long Dinh 1 (LD1), the hybrid dragon fruit line H10. Then, evaluate the effectiveness of each hybrid line and select promising lines with beautiful colors, pink or purple flesh.
Phase II (from 2009 to present), trial planting dragon fruit hybrids to select hybrids with outstanding advantages that can be propagated for economic garden program of southern provinces and cities.
Successfully bred dragon fruit with purple and pink flesh
Purple flesh dragon fruit with high economic value.
To confirm the advantages of the newly bred purple flesh dragon fruit variety, scientists from the Southern Fruit Institute (SOFRI) conducted a test for distinctness, homogeneity and stability (DUS), prices. and cultivation (VCU), in which the Southern Fruit Institute has planted VCU trials in three locations in the provinces of Tien Giang, Long An, Ba Ria - Vung Tau for very good results.
In Tien Giang, after 16 months of planting, dragon fruit with purple flesh has a yield of 14.54 kg / head (main crop), in Long An, yield of 11.61kg / head and in Ba Ria - Vung Tau, reaching productivity of 4.89kg / cylinder.
Remarkably, purple flesh dragon fruit has the ability to spread fruits all year round with the outstanding advantages that the scientists recorded through field trials are strong growth, big branches, egg-shaped or eggs. oblong, beautiful skin, green ears, purple-pink flesh are very eye-catching, delicious fruit quality ... Especially, the new purple flesh dragon fruit variety has been bred to be infested with a low to moderate pest level, which is very favorable for production. export.
According to Associate Professor - Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau, the purple and purple dragon fruit variety has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and is granted the exclusive protection by the Department of Crop Production.
Previously, through scientific research and breeding, scientists of the Institute successfully bred the red flesh dragon fruit variety (LD1), which is widely grown in many localities such as Tien Giang. , Long An, Binh Thuan ... bring great economic benefits for farmers.
Currently, the Southern Fruit Institute is also preserving 20 dragon fruit varieties from domestic sources and imported from abroad with 40 hybrid dragon fruit varieties, serving research, gene conservation and breeding.
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Hoang Hau Dragon Fruit Co., Ltd. is propagating for mass planting an additional 500 hectares of purple and pink flesh dragon fruit in Ham Can commune, Ham Thuan Nam district, Binh Thuan province. This is a dragon fruit that Hoang Hau dragon fruit company bought 2 billion dong of copyright from Southern Fruit Tree Institute.
According to Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Chau, Director of the Southern Fruit Tree Institute (SOFRI), right after the copyright and commercialization (September 12), the purple and purple dragon fruit variety LD5 was granted by Dragon Fruit Co., Ltd. Hoang Hau (Binh Thuan) bought the copyright for 2 billion dong.
Today, September 12, Southern Institute of Fruit Tree held a seminar on "Publication of copyright of purple-fleshed dragon fruit variety LD5 and commercialized seed" successfully conducted by the Institute for Research and Crossbreeding. auction of copyrights of this new variety.
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